Activity Points
2024-2025 Tau Beta Pi Alabama Delta Activity Point System
For any one member of the Alabama Delta Chapter of the Tau Beta Pi Association to remain active within the chapter, they must earn 10 activity points during each semester they are fully enrolled at UAH. Members who are enrolled part-time as defined by the University must earn 5 activity points. Additionally, members who are enrolled full-time but feel that their schedule, typically due to employment (20+ hours), is too demanding to allow them to obtain 10 points, may write a letter to the Executive board to reduce their expected number of activity points to 5. Proof of hours will be obtained from the offer letter. Points will not be rounded up (i.e. 9.5 points will not count as 10).
If a member is currently in an internship/co-op, they may write a letter to the Executive board to be except from activity points.
Breakdown of Awarded Points
Being an officer of the TBP ALD Chapter: 10 points/semester
Attending a Chapter Meeting: 1 point/meeting
Community Service and Volunteering (TBP-sponsored and external*): 1 point per hour
Giving Blood at a TBP Blood Drive: 2 points
TBP-Sponsored Social Events: 1 point per event, up to 3 points
TBP-Sponsored Professional Development: 2 points
Being visible in a TBP social media photo, or posting a photo from an event to a TBP social media page: 0.5 points per photo, up to 2 points